A pipe equally durable and fashionable, The Aura by Phoenician offers users a sleek design that will last a lifetime. This unique pipe features an “X” shaped bowl that distributes the flame evenly around the bowl for a smooth and controlled smoke, while the direct injection front carb allows powerful hits. The four-inch stem incorporates the iconic lobe grip; an ergonomic design that is both useful and stylish. The carb is placed at the front of the pipe, providing a user-friendly one-handed smoke. The aluminum pipe will last a lifetime, is great for travel, and easy to clean.
Tags: Hand Pipes , Metal Pipes , Pipes , Under $100
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Best Sellers , Hand Pipes , Journey Pipe , Metal Pipes , New Arrivals , Pipes , Products , Shop By , Silicon Pipes , Under $100
Aluminum Pipes , Hand Pipes , Metal Pipes , One Hitters , Pipes , Products , Shop By , Under $100
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All In One Pipes , Aluminum Pipes , Best Sellers , Hand Pipes , Metal Pipes , New Arrivals , Pipes , Products , Shop By , Under $100
Best Sellers , Hand Pipes , Journey Pipe , Metal Pipes , Pipes , Products , Products Metal Pipes , Shop By , Under $100